Lenana Empowerment Education Project (LEEP) empowers young girls by providing them with the opportunity to access life changing education. There are many, many young Maasai girls who long for the chance to go to school and whose families cannot afford to send them. Most Maasai families cannot afford to send their children to school and if they have to choose boys are usually given priority over girls. Education is crucial for empowering Maasai girls. It often makes the difference between whether they will be circumcised or not, and whether they will have a choice in whom they marry. Empowering girls and women through education not only changes their lives, but has a positive impact that reverberates throughout their entire community.
In some cases girls are married off at a very young age in exchange for a traditional dowry payment of livestock. Educating these girls will rescue them from the trauma, physical harm and other abuse they go through in these marriages.
You can help make a difference! Sponsor a Maasai girl to go to school!
Any size contribution makes an enormous difference!
NARETOI’s connections with this particular community make the giving simple and direct. We send the money directly to the schools, and we employ responsible Maasai community members to assist the children and check up on their progress. NARETOI volunteers also personally check up on the girls during our regular visits to Kenya. You can be assured that 100% of your contribution goes directly towards the student’s sponsorship.
Your contribution can either take the form of a simple donation to the cause, or if you’d like to fully sponsor a specific, individual girl annually, we can help find a girl in need and keep you informed of her progress!
Class 4, Eluai Nalepo
$650/year pays for tuition, housing, supplies, and transportation at a boarding school.
$65/year pays for tuition and supplies at a local day school.
Boarding school allows girls more independence and protects them for arranged marriage and circumcision while they are away at school. This allows them more time to decide what they want to do with their futures.
If you’d like to contribute, please make checks payable to NARETOI. In the memo line, please note LEEP and if you are a continuing sponsor please include the name of your student. Mail checks to: Naretoi 2920 Thatcher Ave. Marina del Rey, CA 90290. You may also donate via the button below.