COVID-19 Response: We are closely monitoring the situation in Kenya and doing our best to adapt to the changing needs of the women and communities that our projects support. We are doing fundraising efforts to offer financial support for families who are now struggling with the costs and access to food and basic health needs. A large part of Kenya’s economy is based on tourism and many people in the Maasai community have been affected by the loss of tourist-based revenue as a source of income. The government has imposed very strict curfews and with police brutality rampant, disobeying those orders is very dangerous. 

Please consider that a small donation goes a long way, $5 can feed a family of 20 people for an entire day. Thank you!

Our mission is to collaborate with Maasai communities to empower Maasai women in Kenya.  Our projects focus on supporting girl's education, cultural exchange, and local economic efforts.

The Maasai are a group of indigenous, pastoralist people who live in Kenya and Tanzania.  Many Maasai still live traditionally, maintaining their rich culture despite pressures from a world that is rapidly modernizing around them.  Displacement from tribal lands, frequent droughts, livestock diseases, water and food shortages and lack of access to education are just some of the hardships they currently face.  Maasai women and girls are particularly vulnerable and disadvantaged and often bear the heaviest burdens of these challenges along with many others that go along with a traditional patriarchal society - arranged marriages (often when the girls are very young), female circumcision and lack of access to education.